
Collins announced in San Diego that he and Terry Beatty would be doing a new Ms. Tree project for the revived First Comics, and that the entire run will be collected in new volumes.

Solid. Not as good as Gould's early (i.e., pre-1960s) stuff, but light-years better than what came along after Collins was fired from the strip. And Firthetic is right about his Dick Tracy novelization.

Some of his adaptations are quite good, even when the source material is lousy—I Love Trouble and Daylight spring to mind—but his original work is better. The Quarry series is top notch, and the Nate Heller
novels are good reads, not to mention impeccably researched. (The first
three Hellers are particularly good.)

Britta also saw Jeff's underwear in "Physical Education."

After watching you live tweet about Fairy Jobmother last night, how could i not read the article?

Setting aside the question of whether it's a good idea or will be effective, in what sense is this a prequel if it's happening before the season premiere airs? Doesn't that make the episode the sequel to the Twitter event?

Stevie Ray Vaughan, August 26, 1990
The summer before my senior year in college, I had to cut my vacation short by a week to accomodate the schedule of the school where I'd be doing my student teaching, so I was forced to miss what ended up being Stevie Ray Vaughan's last concert, at Alpine Valley in Wisconsin. In

Why should it read "Academy Award Winner Burt Reynolds" when Burt Reynolds is not, in fact, an Academy Award Winner?