
Um, didn't this guy die of a drug overdose?  Not really sure anyone should be memorializing that…

Says more about the construction of pop music than anything else.  It's possible but unlikely that Katey Perry or Sara Bareilles(who?) wrote these songs anytime in the past 3 months.  More about following trends than copy of style.

Who?  I mean seriously.  Saying someone is famous does not actually make it so…

The ONLY issue I had with that film was the pointless scene in which Lex shanks Superman.  In the 1978 movie, the EXACT same emotions are expressed, with pretty much the exact same impact on the story(by putting the chain around Supes neck), minus some pointless violence in an otherwise fun movies.

My only problem with political "comedy" is the hypocrisy.  Assholes like Stewart hide behind the veil of satire claiming no responsibility for the things they say or do while attacking the mainstream news for being dishonest or lazy.  Every single time someone calls these guys out, every time someone says, "hey, um,

Really?  The first two comments are from dickholes who think this guy silly for not wanting his work profited from by a shitty major network?  Fucking hipster douchebags…

No wonder this happened, the original song is terrible.

No wonder this happened, the original song is terrible.

Um, it didn't, in either case…

Um, it didn't, in either case…

No, I think the economic boost from joining the war did more to bring us out of the recession and that, FDR and the New Deal are the reason it took so long and required something like the war to do so.

No, I think the economic boost from joining the war did more to bring us out of the recession and that, FDR and the New Deal are the reason it took so long and required something like the war to do so.

"as everyone should have known since FDR, stimulus is the right way to get out of a recession."

"as everyone should have known since FDR, stimulus is the right way to get out of a recession."

No genius, they should cast good looking people, and make them up like they are living in a world with no power run by militias.  Seems to work pretty well for some of the more popular genre shows out there..

No genius, they should cast good looking people, and make them up like they are living in a world with no power run by militias.  Seems to work pretty well for some of the more popular genre shows out there..

The pilot was terrible.  The acting is ridiculously bad, the writing, well, is pretty crappy as well.  The characters, especially the female lead, are flat out boring.  This show has and is being done, so much better than the network tripe we are being subjected to.

The pilot was terrible.  The acting is ridiculously bad, the writing, well, is pretty crappy as well.  The characters, especially the female lead, are flat out boring.  This show has and is being done, so much better than the network tripe we are being subjected to.

You sir, are officially out of your gourd bat shit crazy.  Just sayin…

Anyone, and I mean ANYONE who thinks that Death Magnetic is a good album, is simply out of their mind.  Lulu and Death Magnetic should not even be counted on the list of actual Metallica albums, yes folks they are that bad.