
My guess is because they took 24 hours to release a photo of her to the news

Mack is older than Madison. They said in this episode that Mack was at his other grandparents house for the day. Coyote showed up with the playhouse for him and was disappointed he wasn't there.

Love her, love the show, so happy for her win, but since she won in the comedy category, I really hope the emotional breakdown isn't what won her the award

Am I really expected to hear a Kyle Chandler voiceover and not imagine him delivering it at halftime to a locker room?

Grayson totally getting into his role made this episode for me, but I think the best part was just him showing up in the hockey helmet and saying "I'm confused?". Such perfect timing.

Why hasn't Kristina thought of running for the school board?

"I'm reading about the debt ceiling."
"We're not buying a ceiling that's gonna put us in debt."

How about that sports team and are you getting enough sleep?

Can we please get one of the crappy "scary stories" episodes of Dawson's Creek?

"My son returns from a fancy east coast college and I'm horrified to find out he's a nerd."

Grey's Anatomy "Song Beneath the Song"

Does anyone know if they will be doing any filming of this in Rome, or will any stuff that should be at the Vatican just be faked in LA or New York or something?

One thing that really sticks out about the Romeo & Juliet storyline for me is that I really love that they don't have Daphne playing Juliet. They're pretty obviously leading to some sort of love triangle with between Bay and Noah and Daphne, and it seems like most shows would cast the potential couple as Romeo and

This is a really random request, but I would love if someone knew where Daphne's scarf (the one in this picture, from the retreat) is from. Absolutely dying for it. If you know where it's from or where to get one like it, please let me know!

It's been years since I've seen this episode, and I still sung along to the monorail song without getting a single word wrong. I'm ridiculously proud of that.

It's been years since I've seen this episode, and I still sung along to the monorail song without getting a single word wrong. I'm ridiculously proud of that.

"Hurricane" drives me insane simply because Gail is at home during the storm. I can't imagine any news anchor who would get to ride out a hurricane at home. She'd be at the news station for the entire storm. I know I can't expect complete realism, but good lord.

"Hurricane" drives me insane simply because Gail is at home during the storm. I can't imagine any news anchor who would get to ride out a hurricane at home. She'd be at the news station for the entire storm. I know I can't expect complete realism, but good lord.