Triohead and E. Buzz Miller - RE: Abe/Don HANDINESS COMPARISONS
I'd love to know what the ambulance attendant was thinking. Here are several possibilities. WARNING: many are politically incorrect, but then so were those times.
PTSD - Roger and Duck appear to suffer from PTSD from their wartime experiences. Don had it from his childhood, and it intensified during his stint in Korea. [That doesn't excuse their drunken, assholish behavior, but it does help explain it. At least Roger's trying to get help and Duck seems to have found a way to…
Yes, I saw that as the moment Ken sold his soul. His punishment: becoming a toy for the Chevy guys. Hellacious.
OrigamiRose - RE: "My read on him is that he comes from money, and this is his first time working outside the family firm (I can't remember the name but it was in finance)."
Calling Roger Pop Pop (rather than "Grandpa" or something like that) is another twinning/duality device. Twinning/duality device.
Bert Cooper stated explicitly to Don in season 1: "I'm motivated by self-interest." (I don't find that awesome. Witness his, Don's, and the firm's grimy moral\ethical code, the firm's organizational culture and climate, and the ways those intangibles manifest themselves. Gag me.)
…Peggy at her brownstone window with the spear - http://www.vulture.com/2013…
Then I guess I'm muy lame. Those scenes made me so nostalgic for my summer camp and Scout camp experiences. Good times, those, even the year I was sent home a week early with stitches in my knee and couldn't swim anymore 'til they healed.
Man from the bar to Betty: So nice to see you again.
Betty: What?
Anybody notice how Henry and Don both grabbed Betty's head in the same aggressive way? Almost harkens back to Ginzo's brand of dark Cinderella imagery from "Mystery Date" and seems a more genteel version of Don's rough grabbing of Bobbie Barrett at the restaurant.
What bothered Margaret wasn't just Roger's taking the kid up and down the stairs and taking him to see "Planet of the Apes". Rather, Roger's fatal flaw was allowing Margaret to see how he behaves with the women at work: in that short space of time, Roger revealed he still acts like he's on shore leave, which in turn…
Hence, Roger's new nickname for him: "Bob Bunsen". Heh.
@Enemy - that whole scene was so Sopranos, combining the noise from outside of Blanca's apartment with Silvio's dream: "The enemy is soon to reveal himself."
I think Arlene was high when she came to Megan's - maybe she'd first stopped by one of the Upper East Side Dr. Feelgoods for a weight-loss speed pill or a "multivitamin" shot - whichever, I think that's why she walked over and was all damp. Then, anticipating "doing" Megan probably gave her an extra kick.
I loved the policeman's noting how little detail Abe provided, given Abe's profession as a journalist, then hefting his baton as he stood to go. No doubt for a minute he was channeling Jackie Gleason: "Bang, to the moon!" Then he smoothly changed gears, telling Peggy: "You ought to get yourself one of these." LOLOLOL!
Yes, indeedy. :)
Don knows all about "Father Abraham" - Rachel Mencken's father's name is Abraham.
Peggy should have told Abe: "Roger Sterling once called me Trostky and paid me $400 for one weekend's work, b/c I AM the means of production."