Empty nester Sylvia Rosen's as screwed up and and searching as Don Draper. Like Don, she's an imposter, whom I contrast with Peggy.
Empty nester Sylvia Rosen's as screwed up and and searching as Don Draper. Like Don, she's an imposter, whom I contrast with Peggy.
He actually saw "Don's" lighter. Don had left it on the counter, and accidentally picked up Dinkins' instead of "his own".
Jonesy made it clear he's tight-lipped: when sloppy-drunk Don's colleagues dragged him home from the memorial service, Jonesy misinterpreted Don's question: "What did you see?" Jonesy replied (something like): "Nothing, Mr. Draper!"
Oh…I'd mistakenly posted elsewhere in this forum that the partners were getting offices upstairs. But - Deborah - you're right. It's accounts that moved upstairs. THAT's why Harry went upstairs past Joan when she was posing on the stairs, and THAT's why Pete said "they" (accounts, I see) would now have the same…
Don's mom died in childbirth. As you mentioned, his father died after being kicked by a horse. Are you referring to his stepmother?
Actually, the real enforcer is OG (Ole Girl aka Original Gangsta) Betty:
And all that that entrails.
Too much for me. So I'm watching The Vikings online, at my leisure.
You have a point about some households, but it’s a longstanding practice – even in the USA and dating well before the 1960s – to require entrants to remove muddy, wet, and filthy footwear (as well as outer garments) at the threshold or in a secondary entrance, such as a mudroom or similar area. For example, see:
Technicalities about "germs" aside, the very THOUGHT of lying in bed with those yucky duds is disgusting. And there's no disputing the fact that the windowsill Betty sat on and the grimy window she leaned against were filthy. Then, there's the possibility (remote, because she wasn't scratching) that she could have…
Just read Matt's "Daily Beast" interview http://www.thedailybeast.co….
Roger's also saddened by his prediction that he'll die alone, unloved, and unremarkable, except for whatever assets people can inherit from him.
He does seem pretty cool now, but I haven't forgotten what an ass he was when
…he and Betty mooched off Don when they overstayed in Don's house, rent-free
…he didn't give Betty Don's "glad you don't have cancer" phone message
…he acted like a competitive sh*t when Don visited the house.
How 'bout Roger's Freudian slip: "This is MY funeral!"
RE: "My take was that Don likes and admires the doctor so much that he wants to be him."
Dr. Rosen's glance at the weather and his watch made me wonder (for a second) whether the call were really from a lady friend. And his leer at the backside of the woman in the green dress (while Don was fetching the camera) made me realize Dr. Rosen has wandering eyes (and maybe other body parts).
I was under the impression Sandy was rather adrift even before her mother died (e.g., from her smoking, her having been to St. Mark's before).
Joan, yes. And she looked very regal.
After Dinkins called Don old (in so many words), the camera highlighted the bags under Don's eyes.