
To be fair, even if promoting the movie is an "industry standard", that doesn't make her objectively wrong in thinking that she should be paid for her time. Was it in the contract that after filming finished she was also obligated to do press promotion? If not, then she has a legitimate reason to ask to get paid for

Fry: Poor Bender. Without his brain he's become all quiet and helpful. We've
got to go to the Central Bureaucracy and get that disk back!
Amy: Yeah!
Farnsworth: Oh, yes, we must, yes.
Amy: …Why?
(Everyone looks around trying to think)
Leela: Well, those arguments aside, we're still going.

This is absolutely the Futurama line I have used most in real life, and it has been used extensively.

Followed by Ramsay's chef's head.

I'm looking forward to Wu's character devastating the lingering stereotype of "submissive Asian female" and replacing it with the stereotype of "stern and feared Asian mother/aunt/grandmother".

So what cookies (biscuits?) did you and Mrs. Cookie first bond over?

Hold up a moment; this is a normal part of the World’s Strongest Viking competition? You mean other (lesser) men have attempted this? I would assume competitors build up to this weight, or do the judges just point to Stórólfsson's log and say, "Carry that up as many steps as you can."?

They only have a narrow scope of issues to campaign on.

Yeah, but they can hand-wave it away because "Alien Devices Does Strange Things to Human Brain". There is something to be said for the example that Hawkman doesn't resolve his issues, but he is able to contain them and start moving forward.

A large man proceeds at his own pace. It is known.

I would suggest that it is time to update copyright law so that it makes any freaking sense whatsoever to account for the changes in current technology, but (1) I don't expect any sensible laws considering the influence of the music industry lobby, especially without a financed entity to lobby for the public interest

Tom Petty has, almost from the start of his career, always been The Great American Troubadour. That said, given how simple his song structures tend to be (I'm an uncoordinated oaf and yet still could be his studio drummer), it seems a bit unfair since many musicians are going to inadvertently mimic his riffs and

Considering the weight she was lifting on that Kegelcizer, I'd be kind of afraid to hook up with her. Of course, in the future, genetically engineered parts may be more … robust.

Yes, and I concur, though that is no slight to Teen Titans. Pitting characters against each other in some form of fighting tournament is a staple of comic book fan-service to see "WHO IS STRONGER". Both are well done; the one here in Justice League just takes the theme to a higher level by giving these women their due

What early-Finn understood to be romance, and how Bubblegum viewed the younger Finn, was appropriate in the earlier seasons. Perhaps intolerable from an older point of view, but not the worst thing and not inaccurate.

That's not the point. In and of itself, I have no problem with adaptation of art and creative license for whatever reasons. In fact, I actually liked the Baz Luhrman Romeo + Juliet when it came out.

I like what Johansson has done as of late with all this sci-fi work, but really the lead character for Ghost in the Shell should be Japanese.

The underlying lesson of, "Just because you have the capacity for overwhelming force, that doesn't mean *using* that force is the best way, or even the right way, to resolve a situation," seems sadly on-point and ignored in the context of current events.

I saw a preview of the Titanic Episode at SDCC that year, and they referred to it as the first episode of Season 2, at the time.

Whereas the main library at UC San Diego is named Geisel Library and looks like a cubic spaceship, which seems more apt.