Unit One

AND another circle takes yet another square!

I for one am enjoying them.

Nowhere else to put this, and no one else mentioned it- not even Sims in the write-up, so here it is:


Heard that brother.  So YOU'RE the one who shows up right before me and steals the 32-34 from the shelf.  I have foreseen this day in my dreams….

Well, lloyd's a very industrious fellow!

More like word-of-the-day toilet paper.  Isn't that a thing still?

Possibly my favorite line from the episode.  I say it everytime I walk into a store and see the ridiculous choices available in chewing gum now.  Do we REALLY need that many flavors?!?

We call ourselves Houstonians.  And please don't bring up the Orbiter tragedy again.  This place was on the verge of a riot.

Just great
This is great news. Just made my weekend.


I'm sorry you unregistered redundancy…but to compare the Farrelly Bros. to the "BLANK" MOVIE guys is so off-base you should have your ability to watch movies rescinded.

I lost my copy of "East of Eden", one of my favorite books, and when I went to buy a new copy…all that B&N had were ones with a huge "OPRAH BOOK CLUB RECOMMENDATION" patch on it.

I was wondering. As a Houstonian, I was confused. Didn't think the Chronicle would have something like this in it. The Houston Press however…yes.

I'm worried about that bear's poor penis.

I dislike Drew Barrymore. Everything about her. She is anti-boner. She gets rid of my priapism after eating 9 Cialis. I guess I should thank her.

Eddie Murphy
Whats the sample size on that doofus? How many movies has he even made in the last year?

Liz: I'm on a waiting list to adopt a child.

Yeah, him responding to that cell phone guy was priceless.

And no, my username is not a buried 1stie. Thats actually my name.