Elvis Flushley

This.  I think the idea that IG even got an Oscar nod is QT's joke.  As a fan of several of his movies, and almost none of those movies that have gotten Oscars, it seems that any time the Academy considers giving a Tarantino movie an Oscar, they are moving closer to his territory, rather than him moving closer to

This.  I think the idea that IG even got an Oscar nod is QT's joke.  As a fan of several of his movies, and almost none of those movies that have gotten Oscars, it seems that any time the Academy considers giving a Tarantino movie an Oscar, they are moving closer to his territory, rather than him moving closer to

I've always wanted to get hit by a slow moving car with a low-slung front bumper and a nicely curved hood, so I could use my aikido roll to attenuate the impact and use the momentum of the roll to land an open palm strike on the windshield.  Hmm, a plan forms…

I've always wanted to get hit by a slow moving car with a low-slung front bumper and a nicely curved hood, so I could use my aikido roll to attenuate the impact and use the momentum of the roll to land an open palm strike on the windshield.  Hmm, a plan forms…

Just give her another ten years to percolate…female Gary Busey in the works, here

Just give her another ten years to percolate…female Gary Busey in the works, here

No crying DURING…but I did have a girl bring us both to a shocking state of self-awareness as I rammed her doggy style and she looked back at me in the mirror on the wall and said: "I'm just your fucking whore!"

No crying DURING…but I did have a girl bring us both to a shocking state of self-awareness as I rammed her doggy style and she looked back at me in the mirror on the wall and said: "I'm just your fucking whore!"

Hamburger: The Motion Picture is an unsung epic.  Boobs, burgers, and buns…what else does a movie need?

Hamburger: The Motion Picture is an unsung epic.  Boobs, burgers, and buns…what else does a movie need?

Namby pamby bullshit

Namby pamby bullshit

"He's a miserable puking bastard!"

"He's a miserable puking bastard!"

Thank you. Nothing else to add.

Thank you. Nothing else to add.

I wish there was a forum for those who have just discovered this show, damn, I watch it like every year or so, no shit.  Hope you're enjoyin it like I did!

Well…to quote Bill Burroughs…"Wouldn't you?"

Well…to quote Bill Burroughs…"Wouldn't you?"

"Passively murdering"?  Bullshit. Again and again, you people with the whole "He just watched that poor woman die!" crap.