
Agreed. I liked the progress ( or lack thereof) of Elena's relationships with Stefan and Damon. I feel like we've spent a lot of will they/won't they on this show. It's nice to see them move forward a bit.

Agreed. I liked the progress ( or lack thereof) of Elena's relationships with Stefan and Damon. I feel like we've spent a lot of will they/won't they on this show. It's nice to see them move forward a bit.

Could be, knowing TVD likes to intertwine everyone's plot lines, but it could also be a simple statement of 'ridding Mystic Falls of vampires'.

Could be, knowing TVD likes to intertwine everyone's plot lines, but it could also be a simple statement of 'ridding Mystic Falls of vampires'.

Curious to know, what was Christina's comment about, the one where she said something like " I don't have a religion but…." because my network blanked it out, along with Cat's response. Was it that bad?

The one style of choreography that I really wish they would include is Disco! SYTYCD Canada did this many times, and let me tell you, it made for some of the most entertaining dances! Yes it can be cheesy, but its fast, the costumes are made of sparkles, and the music is fantastic!

I believe you are referring to a Twilight mythology….as in 'newborns' are more powerful because they still have human blood in their system.

As a person hailing from the almighty province of Manitoba, I can legitimately say that GTA: Manitoba Takedown would be highly entertaining, and completely fitting.

A darkside Bonnie would be a wise decision for the writers to make. For one, I am getting really tired of the 'oh no we have a problem, lets get Bonnie the witch to fix it!' solution. It's getting way too predictable, and leaves little to the imagination. If they are going for the magical solution, then at least give

I agree on the Klaus/Caroline potential. I have been calling for it for a while now, and they gave us a nice little moment when Klaus saved her from Alaric at the school. Alas, now he's down for the count. What gives? talk about a tease.

Ok. Great episode, like always. One question, and forgive me if this has an obvious answer I am completely oblivious to, but why has this desiccration idea not come up earlier? When they were busy trying to find white oak daggers to kill the originals, why did no one bring up the idea of putting Klaus in a box for

It's probably the only show on TV that isn't a comedy (and even some that are) that I can count on for a few outbursts of laughs an episode, all thanks to J Noble. Genius.

Hmm I automatically assumed we were in a third universe. Too many things are 'off'. If he were in the red/blue universe, there would be residual effects of his life before he disappeared. I know the observers tried to eradicate him, but we've been shown that clearly didn't turn out so well.