Extreme delayed reaction, but that doesn't mean "Loonatics" isn't still 90's as fuck.
Extreme delayed reaction, but that doesn't mean "Loonatics" isn't still 90's as fuck.
You'll be stunned by how *boring* the super-controversial live-action portions are.
Better yet, watch the movies that introduced each princess with your kids in chronological order; get a nice little history of Disney animation and get her to know them as characters instead of color-coded Power Rangers types. Then watch the movies/shows with the forgotten Disney princesses: "Black Cauldron", "Gummi…
Speaking of Beta Ray Bill, I have almost invariably seen him described as "Horse-like". To which I have to ask, what scary-ass petting zoo did you go to as a child?
That would actually get me to watch "Once Upon a Time".
(I have to.)
Throw back a bottle o'beer!
Zeitgeist Riot!
I'm goin' home to my mermaid dear!
Confession: I still can't bring myself to watch the Disney HG2G. The idea of Sam Rockwell (an actor I really like) as Zaphod (a character I really like) intrigues me but… not the idea of Rockwell-as-Bush-Jr.-as-Zaphod.
There's a part of me that agrees that the intent was probably meant to be "humanity isn't King Shit of Earth". But there's another part of me with the *way* it's written fresh in my mind and it really does come across more as a crazy person getting way too hung up on semantics.
Oh yeah. (Then again, he also has "Captain EO" on his resume.) I'm still a little sad that we never got a Deeply Upsetting Children's Film Festival on My Year/World of Flops because ye gods wouldn't "Jack" have been fascinating to revisit in that context.
I actually re-read Jurassic Park recently and it was generally still pretty good, even with the wildly outdated science.
I'll always go to bat for "Brave", but I agree that it has all the marks of a deeply personal film that was taken away from its creator and then executive meddled to within an inch of its life.
I know, right? The more you think about it, the more weirdly awe-inspiring it is.
Yes, but only after we separate the entire thirty-odd-year run of the My Little Pony franchise from Bronies.
On a similar note, dissociate the DTV sequel shovelwear from Disney animation but let them keep the funds to do good movies.
Forgive me for being naive but what's the deal with Roald Dahl?
For a few minutes, I honestly thought you meant what has been clarified below as a joke account. I blame Poe's Law.
Well… we kind of were more music savvy (former NKOTB fangirl) only because MP3 players and a la carte song-purchasing weren't around back then and we were generally stuck with whatever mom and dad picked on the car radio.
Every time I hear that song I get the lovely mental image of Miley massacring "Subterranean Homesick Alien" to the utter confusion of her fans.
On the one hand, your roomate was an idiot who couldn't even fall back on the "teens are stupid" excuse, since by 19 you're officially an adult.
It was especially fascinating to me because I don't remember being even half that fervent about New Kids on the Block way back when they peaked.