
Damn Scots! They ruined Scotland!

They have the internet on computers now!

"Buy me Bonestorm or go to hell!"
"Son, in this house we use a little word called 'Please'."

But "The Canine Mutiny" has Santos L. Halper - Occupation: Butt Doctor.

Oh no! My demo tape!

"How are the berries, Ralph? Good?"

Mountain Dew or Crab Juice? "Ewww, I'll take the crab juice!"

It's Rowdy Roddy…PEEPER

You can't hide from me, Bart. I spend 23 hours a day here!

I miss Hearing Test Thursday.

MMM…floor pie.

Young man, the only thing we exchanged for your was our national dignity.

Is this the episode where Homer puts a Shake n' Bake coupon in the church collection plate?

"I'm a bootlegga!"

I no speak English…

What if we picked the wrong religion and every Sunday, we're just making God madder and madder?

"Sarah, Plain and Tall" was one of my favorite books as a child. Oh, I've wasted my life.

What happened in Ford's Theater?
Was President Lincoln OK?

Aye, that's Dancin' Pete, he dances for nickels!

Aah, 'tis no more than what God gave me, you puritan pukes!