
I went to Bard and moved to Brooklyn after graduating. Many of us are not especially similar to the hipster characters in movies like this one.

I had this exact experience. Read A Supposedly Fun Thing right after Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs. The latter suffered greatly in comparison.

No love for Tosh 2.0?

No love for Tosh 2.0?



I also saw Pitch Perfect, but I thought it was just terrible. The humor seemed to be basically on the 'Date Movie'/'Scary Movie 2' level, with the biggest 'laffs' coming from such well-kicked dead horses as: homosexuality, fat sexuality, vomit, and asian stereotypes.

I also saw Pitch Perfect, but I thought it was just terrible. The humor seemed to be basically on the 'Date Movie'/'Scary Movie 2' level, with the biggest 'laffs' coming from such well-kicked dead horses as: homosexuality, fat sexuality, vomit, and asian stereotypes.

I thought it looked go od.

I thought it looked go od.

To shreds, you say?

To shreds, you say?

Wanna find out for yourself, huh?

The demographic might not be that narrow. 
Everyone knows about Woody Allen's tabloid escapades, even if they don't know his work, and the idea of the Oedipus complex is pretty much mainstream at this point. Plus, that Polysics song was a minor internet hit a few years back.

Did anyone else catch the Party Down flyers, when Annie finds Annie Kim's flyer?