Armchair Critic

Are not all things cliched on the Internet?
In our modern age of information webs and derivatives, wouldn't everything become a cliche in art and language at some point, if it hasn't already?

I'm still waiting for a film adaptation of The Punisher Kills The Marvel Universe based on Garth Ennis' hilariously twisted one-shot.

That's how I feel about some of Morrison's stuff too, especially the convoluted Batman RIP run which wasn't helped by DC Editorial's horrible fumbling where the reader is told that the "real" ending takes place in Final Crisis #4.

vertigo crime and graphic novels
I've been out of the comics loop for a bit. Are these Vertigo Crime books all original graphic novels? As in, they're not being released in an initial floppy series format?

"Who's the audience for these? People who love Gaiman but hate books?"