
Parks & Recreation and Spartacus: Blood and Sand both: the pilot.

Shame it's ending
I was a little iffy on the first few episodes of the season (they were good but not quite maximum FNL good) but I feel like they've really stepped it up in the last two weeks and now I'm super-bummed we only have seven episodes left. Loved Coach, Tami, Vince, Luke, Billy, even Vince's dad this week.

Vince's dad saying to Vince, "Used to be Kenard weren't nuthin' but a little corner boy." was without a shadow of a doubt a Wire reference. Loved it.

Best Dunst performance (not movie, which is clearly Eternal Sunshine, followed by Spider-Man 2) has gotta be Bring It On.

Season 2 drop!
I was mildly stunned to hear Coach mention his brief stint as TMU QB coach to Vince and his dad, since I'm pretty sure that's the first time the events of season 2 have been eluded to in any way since the last time we saw Jason's waitress and baby like two years ago. In fact, this whole episode had

That is one of the guys who had dinner with Coach and Tami last season and has been seen in the stands numerous times.

I was gonna post all the same things bchen did. This episode was hilarious; I was fucking HOWLING at Billy's special teams walkthrough ("Special teams? More like special ed."). Add in "East Dillon Loins," bus rapping, Tinker without a shirt on, Tinker's roommate beating the meat, Stan Traub's whistle, Buddy Jr.'s

Seth Rogen
I hate to sound all "I liked [X] before [X] was cool," but I remember watching this show back in the day and thinking even at the time that something about Seth Rogen's line delivery really popped off the screen and that he had serious potential. I wouldn't have been at all surprised if a time traveler from

Agreed. That scene is one of the most "WHHHAAAAAAAAATTT!!!" reactions I've ever had reading a book, and I think it'd transfer incredibly well to visual media.

Agreed on the Sean Bean love, but I'm not sure an actor who played prominent roles in two of the top four highest-grossing film franchises of all time (James Bond and Lord of the Rings) can really be called "underrated."

Man, what happened to HBO? Half a decade back they were simultaneously airing The Wire, The Sopranos, Deadwood, and Six Feet Under, now they're kind of not even one of the top five networks anymore. But with Treme and Boardwalk Empire and Game of Thrones coming maybe they can turn things around.

Cheeseburgers and DVD
"Can't Go Wrong With a Cheeseburger, Area Man Reports" and "Watching TV Shows on DVD the Way to Do It, Area Man Reports" both made me laugh because they almost word-for-word could be describing me with only the name changed.

I was happy to see Renee back and a little crazy this season, but they've taken it a little too far. She's declined from highwire rogue agent to cringe-inducing mess.

The only thing I didn't like about this season…
…is how short it was! I mean, damn, it felt like it blew by the blink of an eye. I know I shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth, and make no mistake, every season past season 1 has been a gift, but c'mon NBC. How come shitty Heroes gets 22-episode seasons and we get

It's all good
Friday Night Lights is my third favorite show of all time, but I'm pretty okay with this. Sad, sure, but okay. As others have said, better for them to go out still on the top of their game. Not to mention that we Friday Night Lights fans are pretty much the luckiest fanbase on earth - the show could

Now that Shaw loves Sarah, here is the complete list of character differences between Shaw and Bryce Larkin:

For the record
Two things I want from the finale:

Great episode, great season
If the 13th episode is as good as I'm hoping it is and it has the potential to be this could definitely be the best season since the first, and I absolutely LOVED season three, so that's saying something.