
While the budget and animation for the original series wasn't that great, they had some really talented people who made great use of the limited frames they had to work with. Some of the inbetweens and transitions back then were downright insane but colorfully amusing. When it comes to this one, everything feels very

There were a lot of unconjugated verbs on those bottles, yeah. I hadn't heard of habushu, good to know!

People are gonna praise it because of the warmth-by-association it has with Miyazaki's works. I bet there's a post being written for CartoonBrew as we speak with "tribute" featuring heavily in its title.

The episode was sorta amusing until it got to the 3rd story where it unleashed its creepy misogynistic head, right at the start with a "women sure don't get along! bitches be crazy" statement. Sometimes people let this kind of thing slide on Family Guy because it's being posited as satire, but nowhere in the show is

They didn't quite hit the right targets either. The snake wine itself is much more of a Chinese-stereotype in reference to the old-fashioned medicines and liquors made from various animal parts, along with the imaginary Krusty's concoction of questionable origins. It's not to be expected that the audience should be

I would donate to Gene's Kickstarter, day one.

That "Look! A sky-tweet!" joke at the beginning is one of those things where it makes the writers feel like they're out-of-touch old men who think that mentioning something kind of new is the same thing as making a trenchant observation or joke. They're like the comedy equivalent of the NY Times trend piece ("people

Normally I'm not as bothered by that, but when it came along with the ill-conceived jokes that started to border on tasteless, it brought that into the forefront. Then again, in previous outings to Japan or Japanese-related jokes, they've done a lot better with the voices and accents.

I was honestly really troubled by a lot of the racism going on in this episode. Quite a bit of "Japanese people sure like suicide" observations as jokes, and the Miyazaki sequence Krusty was a sort of Chinese stereotype thrown in there for added problematic content.