black massive

Unfunny white comedian complains about white singer appropriating black culture…Cut to clip of said comedian trying to sing like Marvin Gaye next to a white guy beat-boxing.

I find the Ikea furniture to be the most distressing part of the decor.

awesome collection! i agree- emo sucks. just….the worst. i like modell b/c he loves the weddoes, but fuck emo. even more frustrating b/c the kids around here in bands think emo is still a fresh sound to emulate.

i chuckled at this very specific reference

From the top picture, I thought this was going to be an article about Kim Deal.

comb your hair, greta gerwig

They inducted ABBA, so they have zero credibility when it comes to deciding what is deserving of rock & roll immortality.

uh…White Stripes?

This is something I think about a lot:

it is on moondance by van morrison

"everyone" by van the man not on RT sndtrk for whatever reason (licensing I guess?). it is on moondance tho. same w/ "look at me" by john lennon, "I am waiting" by the stones - not on rushmore soundtrack. lots more examples I am sure. anyway, official soundtracks not all-inclusive. but I see yr point.

I think a lot was cut in the studio real quick with the most "commercial" stuff being selected as the singles. he was tearing thru material at the time, so it was put out as fast as he could make it. check out "the soul album"- hangs together well as a piece. His best, imho.

I feel like a lot of people are trying to will this into being great, but it's really just a middling show with failed HBO drama aspirations.

uh…post from home? please?

and the oceans slowly turn to acid….

It's Political Correctness Gone Mad! They're just a band with a name they thought was cool. It's rock 'n' roll, not Oprah's book club. Get a grip.

Well, everyone knows that Kurt Cobain died in Seattle. What this movie presupposes is….maybe he didn't?

I love the Weddoes. They influence me in my attempts at songwriting…especially seamonsters. I think their influence is more of a slow burn kind of thing.

"Rollers Show" by Nick Lowe = "Chapel of Love" by Dixie Cups
