
In the second sentence of your example "jack-off" is used as an adjective not a verb. It describes the services being provided to the boss.

Well, at least you tried.

When did we go out?

Which creepy guy from Garden State?

@ nom nom nom

I own High Violet and I like it a lot.

@ Loose Stool

I'll go out on a limb here and say I like The Spaghetti Incident. Covers of T. Rex, UK Subs, Stooges, Misfits, Johnny Thunders, Fear. What's not to like?

Did Mussolini bite his own weenie or did he bite Hilter's weenie? It's unclear.

If You Didn't Laugh, You'd Cry was also really good. Kids in Philly is still my favorite. I still listen to Angels from time to time. 20,000 Streets has some good songs, but the production was a little glossy.

Nothing after Jay Bennett left/got fired has been as good as the stuff with him. Being There, Summerteeth and Yankee Hotel Foxtrot are amazing records. Post Jay Bennett Wilco is good to great, but not amazing or mind-blowing.