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    I'm all for other music icons getting statues in their hometowns…let local artists take on the projects and express what Chuck Berry or Springsteen mean to them. But Dylan is from Duluth, the artist is a norther MN guy, he's trying to rep his roots…its not like this is some out-of-left-field idea, for christ's sake

    Without the icons of the past there wouldn't be the musical landscape we have now. Listen to an interview with ANY halfway decent artist and they will cite their influences…this is a tribute to that.

    I'm from northern MN, and Duluth is the shit. Tons of good music coming out of there in the last decade. They sold the old jail and city hall and turned it into a restaurant/speakeasy. They just had a music festival of home grown talent, if you can't find culture in Duluth, then you're not looking.