
That's not going to be it. We know he's morose as a result of killing that kid (plus Javardi's double-murder really did get to him), although oddly enough he hasn't been dwelling on the fact that his refusal to kill Brody last season enabled the Langley bombing (as far as he knew until recently).

I think the Mythbusters showed that a bathtub wouldn't be dissolved by acid.

The voice of the mole was done by James Urbaniak. Urbaniak played a CIA polygrapher that season.

One of the things Reagan is known for is cutting taxes (although he did raise some later in a budget deal). That was before Bush Sr. said "Read my lips", was hated for going back, and his party decided "deficits don't matter". Saying taxes were lower is not saying "facts", it's rose-tinted glasses (unless you're

Religions at least claim to have certain beliefs, both normative and positive, and one could very legitimately disagree with them (vehemently even!). So they're not in practice alike. But in practice people tend to have the same religion as their family & friends, rather than giving much thought to its content, so

I'm convinced that an evil genius as meticulous as David Tate actually used hamsters in his plot.

I think Charlotte called Ray precisely because he has a background in smuggling (which he mentions), and "Tampa Tim" is apparently known to both Ray and the ATF as someone who smuggles weapons. Where does Tim get AR-15s? I don't know, and in this show I don't care too much.

I think this guy from Cracked did, but maybe he wasn't serious enough of an alcoholic?

I enjoyed Rubicon, but that was a show with real problems. The initial showrunner/creator was fired, it had terrible ratings and was not universally loved by critics, it didn't always seem to know what to do with its characters among the rest we have Tanya quitting at the end! Maybe they would have brought her back,

Did the hooker belong to Fausto? I thought she was just strangle-dude's girlfriend. Fausto didn't seem to care about her, other than as it related to strangle-dude going all strangle-dude north of the border.

Shipping drugs south to Mexico would be like bringing coal to Newcastle.

Lydia may think she's Daenaerys, but she's really Viserys. I don't see her surviving this.

His son goes to school north of the border, the same place where is wife works.

I agree with you that much of it, the stimming in particular, was well done. But while the concept of people calling their spouse just to idly chat might seem hard to understand, it should not seem like a NEW or surprising phenomena she would ask about. She's a detective, presumably in her 30s, how could she not have

This week they said it was Delaware. I think Hobbs & Stammets were both Minnesota, the missing episode had victims starting in Maine and heading south along the eastern U.S, angel-guy was New Jersey, and the most recent episode was West Virginia. It's really the Ripper/Lecter, Gideon, the organ-stealer and Tobias

There's something odd about Ellen Muth's face, it works well for horror with the extra sickly stuff they added.

I think those arrows sticking out of Ros might get in the way, but I'd rather not speculate when it comes to Joffrey.

The official Lore Sjoberg hierarchy has people who write self-insertion furry Star Trek fanfics on the bottom. So what would you name a furry Mary Sue?

All six parts which don't involve children murdering each other are already available on Hulu.

In a previous episode it seemed like he was about to do that, but that would violate canon. Fuller has already discussed some of his future plans for the series, and I don't think they involve Hannibal killing her. Also, it would be a bit early to kill off a recurring character.