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    I watched the movie on HDNet last night. I would agree that it is pretty uninspiring. Also, it seemed like a solid 30% of the movie consisted of aerial shots of the fleeing Romans running across mountains. This gets old quick.

    I thought it was old 15 minutes into the first HBO show. However, a show about "Angry Birds"… that I would watch!

    I think several people might argue "Tropic Thunder" did not work.

    I thought I would have a hard time getting into this show. I mean, people like Trong were showing up and everyone else was saying "OMG, it's Trong! Trong is here!" … while I, the uneducated guy who likes Iron Man 2 because stuff blows up, did not know who Trong was. Nonetheless, it sucks you in just as well as "Top

    By great you mean awful, right?

    Action movie guy? I think you mean coach Eric Taylor! But, yeah, that movie is highly entertaining as far as I'm concerned.