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    Few things get me nostalgic like that opening credit sequence because even though I now realize it's tame/lame/tame-lame, it still gives me the shivers.  And so watching it, I get this visceral reaction that just isn't triggered by anything else.  That is to say, if I go back and watch an old episode of My Brother and

    So, you had hopes Girls was going to be a "grand satire about delusional, out of touch, young New Yorkers who believe themselves to be cultured and worldly, but actually have no idea what the real world is like," but you are now upset that Hannah is "not likable" and unrealistically "motivated by selfishness."  Do you

    So, you had hopes Girls was going to be a "grand satire about delusional, out of touch, young New Yorkers who believe themselves to be cultured and worldly, but actually have no idea what the real world is like," but you are now upset that Hannah is "not likable" and unrealistically "motivated by selfishness."  Do you

    Steven Brill is probably one of the most undervalued screenwriters of all time.  Between Heavyweights and D2, he should have won at least won Oscar.  But probably two.

    Steven Brill is probably one of the most undervalued screenwriters of all time.  Between Heavyweights and D2, he should have won at least won Oscar.  But probably two.

    What it is, it's a loafer. And we'll call it the Air-Bombay Loafer; "For kids who want to coach!"

    What it is, it's a loafer. And we'll call it the Air-Bombay Loafer; "For kids who want to coach!"

    "Another thing this show illustrates so effectively is how every setting in DC becomes a forum for political maneuvering."

    It's Zankou Chicken, bro.  And it's delicious.

    The first boy becomes Hollowface?!  I also must know!!

    I just learned something.

    I'm convinced Liam Neeson is working through some serious shit in this silly movie about wolves and dim-witted oilfield workers dying at a rapid clip.  This is a bit of a spoiler, but the character is suicidal because his wife has recently died.  As we all know, Neeson's wife in real-life died a few years ago, too.

    I saw Werner Herzog speak about the film and I thought it was interesting that he made clear that he was not necessarily against death brought about the state.  While against the death penalty, he noted that there is sometimes the necessity for nations to defend themselves and kill in the process.  You don't pick this

    So, I don't even much like U2, but "U2 3D" was one of the best music/movie experiences I've had.  I saw it in IMAX at the Smithsonian and it was amazing how it made you feel like you were at the concert.  If it wasn't for the prospect of listening to one or two of their terrible ballads again, I probably would have

    What will his character be known for saying?

    I think it'd be hard to characterize Restrepo as left-wing. More than anything, its intention seems to be to valorize the American soldier and show the amazingly strong appeal of soldier camaraderie. Politics is wrapped up in everything related to Afghanistan, but Restrepo never seems to show any sort of preference

    Restrepo is quite a powerful film. Admittedly, I had not been following Afghanistan very closely, but the film did a lot to change how I thought about the situation and the soldiers involved.

    I know this has been said before, but Conan's monologues will always remain tolerable because he is not afraid to point out how stupid topical jokes are, including the ones written by him and his staff. And he gives us a really good sense we're in it on it, too. Like we're all just going through the motions with

    He wants to push you around. And network executives, too!

    I watched downsized tonight, so there! It was pretty meh. I enjoyed the installation of shower timers, though. I didn't even realize those existed.