
@avclub-f17005b17c5a3da43bd68b8a17fb28cd:disqus I'm with you on that one. Season 2 was my favorite… but I'm a math geek and I think I was always most partial to the numbers plotline. And Desmond. And everything.

One thing I've been wondering… when Peter comes back, will:

I felt that way too… isn't anyone worried there might be a Gus II out there?

I think they said in the first episode that it had been "a couple of weeks" since the bridge opened up. I think they know that it formed when they turned on the machine, they are just unaware of Peter's role.

My best friend has a Nielson :)

This episode also had something about how (without Peter) Walter was unable to save John, Olivia's old partner. So I'm assuming that means that instead of recovering and dying as a traitor, Amber-John simply died from the original storage-center-translucent-skin disease, meaning that Thislivia never went through all

I got so excited even before we saw him, when Fauxlivia said something like "my Broyles" that indicated that her Broyles was alive. Yesss.

Yeah, I've kind of given up on turning any new friends onto Fringe, unless they're the types (like me) that would be down for watching all three seasons rapid-fire on DVD.

I feel that. Fringe has always had a bit of a problem balancing its FOTW and master plot elements — a lot of times last season I found myself thinking "SCREW THIS, let's focus on escaping-from-Earth-2/etc." — but at this point it's a part of the show I've just come to accept: even though it seems logical that these

By the way, I loved the use of "dead things" to describe whatever crazy shit was in the trunk. The phrase sounds very Stephen King — and I love a good nod to Stephen King in an Abrams project.

Yeah, on second thought I tend to agree. I think everything went according to Walternate's plan except the Henry factor. That's weird, though, because it means that Walternate was hoping the story would be "Yeah, some random people kidnapped Olivia to make her deliver the baby she made with some random guy at a bar,

Bellincoln? Love it. I guess it all depends if the actor's Nimoy impression can rival Torv's.

I think the writers are intentionally having the Our and Fauxlivias switch roles.

@intangible fancy


@Evil Brandon

Bell winding up in Olivia's body…
…and eventually someone else's (or some cow's) is a great solution, in my opinion, the Nimoy's retirement. Bell is such a great character, and his interactions with Walter are priceless, and I think it's fairly obvious that the writers were not counting on Nimoy calling it quits from

Those are some good points, but I still feel like this episode doesn't really fit in with the rest of the series.

As a big fan of "Peter," I was excited about another retro episode, but instead of revealing new information about the past, "Subject 13" revealed a bunch of retconundrums (if you will) that seem to undermine the previous episodes.