
I never got the impression he wanted to force the theater owner to attend the luncheon (I seem to recall Goering saying something like "Zoller won't stop talking about you, so I just had to meet you", which implied that he sent the soldier to pick her up). Additionally, the "their night" thing struck me as a case of

What, Mophiaca, you didn't like it when Lohman got puked on for the 6th time? I did, since it inspired me to go play Time Crisis 2 in the theater lobby, and that is a great game.

Please porkchop, just give her every shiny thing find see and never speak to her. No biggie.

I believe Perfunctory wins this thread.

Did Glenn Beck actually best-sell something? *Googles* Holy shit, my day is worse now.

Henceforth I shall refer to my time in drug-unfriendly Korea as my fallow period. So long and thanks for the simile.

The idea that being retarded makes sexual assault kinda ok is one that will cause the not-quite-retarded to ham it up so they can get away with more shit. In fact, I'm sure there are plenty of people doing that now. So let's keep this on the DL please.

The Internet is already at your house probably.

Clearly the out-of-nowhere headbutt is an underused device. It was awesome in Dexter too. "I own you," love it.

Overall I thought the Dark Knight was middling, though definitely enjoyable - but the pencil trick was just too good.