
If Tina Fey with a garbage pail on her head doesn't count as character growth I don't know what does. I mean usually she just slips, or hits the door frame, or has some toilet paper dragging from her heel. But this time it was a garbage pail. And I laughed. Loudly. And then rewound it and laughed again. From my

If I recall correctly, Walt's first oncology bill comes out to about one third of his $43,000 a year teacher's salary.

Also, Danny McBride isn't exactly reading off a teleprompter. There's a lot of improvisation on this show, particularly in KP's monologues. The cutaways are there so they can stitch together different takes…

The sad truth behind this really good (and surprisingly so) episode is that the actual Museum of Television & Radio (founded 1976) that they're parodying (for the second or third time, I think) as The Museum of TV & Television effectively closed its doors in 2005. Despite re-booting itself as the Paley Center for

"The brief audio excerpts of Mort Sahl (a major influence on Allen’s stand-up) had me pining for a three-hour Mort Sahl documentary. Get back to work, Weide!"

TCM has succeeded where other retro-channels have failed and/or gone commercial because they own the core of their library, the result of a genius deal wrangled by Ted Turner back in the 1980s. Rather than having to license various films, TCM began by literally pulling films off their own shelf. WIthin five or so

Read your shamelessly embedded link. Can't say I agree with your assessment of Ratner as a poor little rich kid who gets picked on for being famous. I went to film school with him. He was right douche then as well. Universally detested in fact. Also, he wasn't sixteen. Another lie.

I'm pretty sure Puss in Boots was rehearsed.