Immanual Kant

Also agree with all the HTTM love.

Also very please to see Titus on the list as well. My favourite of the year.

Gizzly Bear
I'm not sure how good they would be without the backing, but I saw them play last year (Halloween Night) at the Barbican with the London Symphony. It ranks pretty high on my list of concert going. Not boring or sleepy at all. Sure, they're no Titus Andronicus, but they ain't supposed to be. Anyway, if GB

As any rational being equipped with a good will should know, a gimmick identity cannot serve as a determining ground of the will. Consider that anyone who wishes to engage with others through a fake identity at the same time wills that all other commentors should do so, thereby negating the practice. For how could

The real conflict in such systems is that the worth of our actions are those done simply from duties that accord with the Moral Law, not inclination. Basing our moral actions on expected (and unpredictable) consequences is the product of a heteronomous will!