
I missed that, but am now excited to go back and watch it again.

Huh. I had totally forgotten that was ever a thing.

"If God loves you, you can get away with fucking anything."

That was pretty much my feeling then. 
I know it was just another concert to them, but tickets, parking, etc. added up to a lot of money for me at the time, and this idiot couldn't be bothered to stay sober enough to even consistently stand upright, much less remember his own lyrics.

"…that’s a commitment you make to people to play, and when you fuck up, it’s a big fuck-up and people never forget it."

Oh, definitely—the third book is better than the second, but neither approaches the first.

Yeah, one of my . . . coworkers may be getting misty thinking about it right now.

I had the same thought, but then read book 3 anyway.  It was WAY better than book 2.

It's so nice now that all the firstie and fire-cancer nonsense has stopped.  And as much as I love the show, the Community references could stand to be dropped a bit, too.  wtf is starz, lol?, however, I miss every day.

I didn't see the Alcatraz thread and am not going to go look for it, but what was the discussion?  Why wouldn't cop cars have air bags?

I don't know, why would the citizens necessarily think the tournaments were wrong?  The gladiators were slaves, not actual people.

Imagine digifreak's surprise when he finds out his sibling took the only job for which digifreak would have qualified.

Wait, is the woman you're talking about actually every doctor I've ever met?

To be fair, someone needing rehab has probably done plenty of things to inspire hatred towards them.

When I think of parenthood, I think dirty diapers.

I don't know.  My mother reads all the Sue Grafton mystery novels, but if I was introduced to a Ms. Grafton at random, I wouldn't make the connection.

That's how I read it, too.  It's OK it's terrible because it's supposed to be terrible!

Ugh.  Two people getting married on the basis they both probably have the possibility of potentially changing into good partners for each other is just a terrible idea.

Well, regardless of language, it's a good movie.

I've lived on the West Coast and in the Midwest, and this is the first time I've heard of him.