
Yes. But it SHOULD have been about wolf punching. We were promised wolf punching!

Damn it, now I'm angry about "The Grey" all over again! I just wanted him to punch some damn wolves!

It's great the list of all TV shows is back. Now can we get it alphabetized correctly— with a, an, and the not being counted—so there's not huge cluster of shows under The? Thanks!

I was about to object that someone born in '91 would only be twelve years old, but then I thought about it for a second.

It weirds me out when people on the internet post about places in my area. Quit following me!

I know a woman with the last name Schenck, pronounced Skank.
Thing is, it's not even really her name. Schenk is her ex-husband's last name, and even he has changed the pronunciation to Shenk. But she refuses to change pronunciation or go back to her maiden name. She just loves being a Skank.

The writer got paid, repeatedly, for producing garbage.  Sounds like he's rolling natural 20s somewhere.

Yeah, he set the bar of NOT GIVING HER ORGASMS.  How can anyone else possibly do better than him?!?!

I cannot like this comment enough.

I cannot like this comment enough.

I'd guess a lot of AV Club visitors are browsing while at work, like me.  I can read articles with no difficulty while at work, but will never watch a video or listen to an audio clip. Giving the whopping 27 comments on this article so far, I'm even more convinced my guess is correct.

I'd guess a lot of AV Club visitors are browsing while at work, like me.  I can read articles with no difficulty while at work, but will never watch a video or listen to an audio clip. Giving the whopping 27 comments on this article so far, I'm even more convinced my guess is correct.

Is he going to get saggy?

Is he going to get saggy?

Agreed. I've watched a number of American Picker episodes, and they'll often flat-out tell the seller how much they're going to ask for the item once they've bought it, and mention the travel and costs and such as part of the reason they need to buy low.

Agreed. I've watched a number of American Picker episodes, and they'll often flat-out tell the seller how much they're going to ask for the item once they've bought it, and mention the travel and costs and such as part of the reason they need to buy low.

You've described my work situation perfectly.  I now do the work that used to be done by three people (one quit, one "laid off"), but when I asked for a raise I was told the company was "trying to keep the wage costs down" and there was no money available this year.

You've described my work situation perfectly.  I now do the work that used to be done by three people (one quit, one "laid off"), but when I asked for a raise I was told the company was "trying to keep the wage costs down" and there was no money available this year.

When I was about 8 my parents had a friend who was an accountant come by the house to work out their taxes.
My birthday party was held when they were done, but was cut short as it was a school night and I had to go to bed.

When I was about 8 my parents had a friend who was an accountant come by the house to work out their taxes.
My birthday party was held when they were done, but was cut short as it was a school night and I had to go to bed.