
Come on already. Isn't it obvious Bernard is modeled on Arnold??? The private talks between Bernard & Delores are ARNOLD & Delores in the past. Sheesh

ok. are alex & tina gonna drag this out? drama .. this is not transparent.. it's clear the central plot that's gonna drive this rests on Zissis and Peet. so what of it? do we care? i guess a lot of us do. but really, is this worthy of the half hour. between this & lena's girls, I guess it comes down to…screw

Sorry, but direct from an associate producer of the show: "We had a plan for the first season and where we wanted to go, where we needed to go, but beyond that we were just pulling for a second season. When that happened we realized we had to shape things differently. We figured we had to go the route of multiple

We were hanging out with Louis last night and he said Dev is actually his brotha from a kormic motha

i did too, but damn aint that the truth bro

Best line of the episode occurred when Dexter said the main reason he couldn't just drop everything & go to Argentina with her was because he didn't want to uproot Harrison from his life in Miami.

Ya know, the only way this final season now could become interesting is
if there’s somehow a great twist to the latest killings of Cassie &
Zach. I still don’t know if this would do it, but what if they were
killed by a COPYCAT killer. Someone could be copying the ‘Brain
Surgeon’ & Zach’s way of killing to


Yes, just have to add…To each his own, but comparisons to Shameless don't seem appropriate.  This is a new show looking for footing.  Shameless found it a while back, and is an excellent mix of drama, farce, & outstanding acting performances.  But I realize that it definitely is not everyone's shot of jager.

I think it was inevitable that the finale would be a little disappointing, having to tie up so much in a plot heavy episode, after such stellar performances & intricate character developments in the previous few episodes.  Having just watched it, I have mixed feelings about it.  I called it that Skinner was the dude

I initially thought it was rape.  And it may have been, just saying that if Twitch is working with the P.O. to entice the victims, he may have rode along in the back of the car.  But you're right, in any case, the dude was nasty & probably raped him.

I suspected Skinner a few weeks back, and I still do, however I do think now that Twitch & Lyric are also involved somehow.  And for that matter, so is someone who is not ever mentioned lately…and that is—-Kallie. If you go back last week to the scenes with Twitch & Lyric and really watch you can see they are


Can anyone explain why they found Pastor Mike's blood soaked car at the train station after it was established earlier in the day that he was driving around in a rental?

It seems to me that the biggest clues that explain things point to Skinner being the serial killer.  First, why did Seward really call Skinner?  And, why did Skinner decide to let Goldie go? And of course Skinner does not want the Seward case re-opened, perhaps because he wants to save face as a cop, but maybe he has

Really nice review of the show so far Alabama.  I agree with you. I would have given this episode an A-. Much better than the premier, best episode to date.

Not really.  Unless you like cliched crap tv

Oh to be clear didn't care for The Newsroom

Exactly what I was thinking through the episode

"This show has all the awkward humor of a great Christopher Guest movie, except it's like, real."