Michael Clayton Esq

The musical number that opens the first season still plays in my head at least once a week. God, I miss the 90's.

I'm in Venice, CA and we're ground zero of "alternative" bicycling. Recumbents, custom high riders (like, 8 feet off the ground), trailer attachments for kids, etc.

I sat through the movie and the whole first season before giving up. People in the know told me that the things I hated most were actually expanded upon in subsequent seasons, so I made the right call in bailing.

I really want a briefcase full of tacos now.

It's strange to me that Melanie Lynsky is mostly either known as the actress from Heavenly Creatures or the recurring guest star of 2 and a Half Men. I doubt that there is much overlap between those two audiences.

This is not unexpected. The good news is that the Iowa GOP caucus has been so overrun by the crazies that it's hardly indicative of how the rest of the GOP primaries will go. This is almost certainly Santorum's high water mark. It's also a virtual guarantee that Romney will be the nominee, since the only one who could

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus  Because it's only 7 lines out of a film that's all dialog from beginning to end. It's not the impact of one line that we're counting (if so, Jaws would be on the list as well) It's the quotable line/all dialog in the movie ratio we're counting. Virtually every line of

What'd you tell them?

An overlooked gem of a movie that I never hesitate to recommend to people.

The best Simpsons scroll (shut up, I'm counting it as a scroll): "Fox News: Not racist, but #1 with racists"

Barney was in the process of maturing, but he's suffered a major setback from Robin's rejection. He's regressed quite a bit, but I'm betting the season ends with him getting it together enough to move on (which is exactly what he needs to do in order to win her back).

Maybe not. "Begging the question" is one of the most frequently misused phrases. It may be a true writers' room error.

The end of The Last Unicorn is the first and last time I've ever cried at a movie. I'm too macho, I guess.

I don't think anyone here would care if they're not the most timely of reviews. I doubt a one-day-late review of this could be any more stale than the premise of the show itself.

Until about five years ago, his "quick bio" was always just "Errol Flynn's sword trainer". Few ever actually listed his many, many credits or life outside of fencing. But he lived a fascinating life. I hope someone does a bio of him.

According to Rupert Murdoch's twitter, santorum is surging in Iowa. I hope they brought towels.

I watched it over the weekend too, and it made me try to come up with a list of most quotable movies of all time (that is, the ratio of dialog that is quoted to that which isn't). Princess Bride would have to top the list. At least 90% of the lines are regularly quoted. Other contenders:

And so passes another legend.

The one about the robot apocalypse? I don't get it.

Liara's a much better option than racist Ashley or whiny Kaiden (why are all Bioware male romance options such whiny bitches?). And she's 100 times more badass than either of them, especially in the Shadow Broker DLC.