Derek Lowe

They treat it like an episode of Lost that goes back and gives you an answer for a mystery introduced a season or two ago:

After overhearing a girl call tell a guy her name was Paul Allen, I went up and started a conversation with her. While we spoke about 90's rap, she went on to say, "It's funny because Ma$e is also the poorman's Ma$e."

Go Cowboys!

I realize the question wasn't directed at me (although I do like to pretend that everyone is always talking to me), going from the trailer, there is a lot of things I would've done differently.

David Byrne
Is this the one he was making in an abandoned train station?

My favourite movie.

"Oh come on, you guys know Shakespeare. There's been a lot of movies made about his plays. Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare in Love, Water World…"

For me, the most memorable laugh in Super Trooper is when everyone is in the office for a meeting, and Cox simply says, "Hey!" and turns the gun on the desk to point at Farva.

Yeah, after reading about Joseph Campbell on Wikipedia (after Pilgrim's response) - I was wrong. Campbell didn't really have a lot of ideas that were intrisically connected with organized religion. I guess I remembered that part wrong or got him mixed up with someone else.

I don't know all that much about Joseph Campbell. Hearing about him in this narrative class I took at University, I thought it was weird that he idolized James Joyce but supported and enforced organized religion's ideals.

Yeah, I've been letting the team down with my shotty sentence structure.

He did have Pixar, then sold it almost right before it got to be a crazy-successful company.

Actually yes, I thought I had typed that. Derek Lowe is tired.

Fuck it.
God I hate Star Wars.

Can't Marvel sue them or something?

The fourth ending involves the mind climbing out of the car and all of the events take place in the cave's woman.

Why can you not change sea water into drinking water, Miller? Why only urine?

*shoots Pilgrim*

Of Montreal
I never got what made them so great. Not really a fan.

What's going on around here?