Derek Lowe

At the time in which they won the World Series for the first time in recent history, they had the second highest payroll.

This can all logically and reasonably summarized as the Curse of Billy Penn (Is that it?) because, you know, curses are real.

Phillies fan, eh, Jorge?

Foodfight eh?

Everyone loves him.

Yeah but
how does she feel about retards?

"I just want to fit in"
Should I double post to fit in with the cool crowd?

Fred Williamson is not a fan of brevity.

Burl is dope as fuck.

Hey, that's what makes it rape, right?

I love both Moran and Rogen more than I love most men so I would probably have to agree that this pairing would be quite lovely.


I thought they died?

Everybody get in here!

I don't know about you guys, but without my eight hours of drugs, I can't accomplish nothin'!

I heard Edgar Winters and David Stern are remaking it.

I'd watch that.

You failed at failing!

B'oh - I mean Fred Durst and the Supremes.

Throw some D's on that bitch