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    I caught the fIREHOSE set last night at Harlows in Sacramento.  They suffered though a bad sound guy for three songs before bawling the guy out.  The monitors were fucked.  Hurley couldn't hear anything.  They had the guitar turned up so fucking loud no one could hear the drums or bass.  At three separate points

    I assumed that Marco somehow dropped the ball on his dish.  But I suppose the chefs could have just been intimidated at the prospect of having to assert themselves on top of their already-stressful presentation.

    I thought in that particular instance he was high on crack.  But then, the way the charge reads, it is hard to say whether he was shitfaced and in possession of crack, high on crack and in possession of crack, or all three (I'll place my bets here).

    Am I incorrect in thinking that DMX's sole claim on relevance is now dissing artists who do Sprite commercials?
    Does he still release albums?

    There is no way she is worse than Diddy-Dirty Money, who I contend is the worst Saturday Night Live performer ever.  Ashlee Simpson wasn't bad.  She just got what she deserved.  And that was great television.  Diddy-Dirty Money was everything bad about music on television. 

    Oh, don't say that.  I just hit twenty-two and this is my new favorite game.  I'm playing a Jedi Guardian Shadow Kinetic Tank on Rakata Min Prison.  I love the space emissions.  And you know, killing stuff with a lightsaber.

    I propose that our constitutional right to have a Snoop Dogg running a muck in his natural habitat has been compromised.  This is akin to our country's treatment of the Red-Cockaded Woodpecker.  Shit is amiss.  We must draw a line in the sand. Yo.

    Playing WoW with any success chiefly requires patience and getting along with total idiots. This video is epic fail.

    Hey! Lemme tell you somethin'.
    Cause you know what, dog? That was hot. No, for real! That was really hot, but I guess for me, it got kinda pitchy at the end. No!!
    It was hot!
    But, for me dog…
    Kinda pitchy.

    Is this the episode in which Higgins weaves himself a safari hat out of the native flora?