james tiberius kirk cameron

Shoot. Now I know WHY it's called… blah blah blah.

Now I know it's called "Dark Knight Rises"

Only female character on CBB?

there were skittles in there!

i'm actually not a huge bacon fan, but people tell me it's cause i haven't had real bacon yet.

do they make it with bacon?

i call it "weird"-wood.

remember when south park sang blame canada?

one of my favorite actresses
i think one of her best roles is in pieces of april. there's a scene near the end (in the diner's bathroom) where she says so much with just a look.

man i just made that joke… i suck.

i love giacchino's stuff, but doesn't it get really repetitive if you listen to it a lot? i'm not a music expert or anything but in a lot of the emotional moments his scores all seem to do is switch between the major and minor versions of a chord.

long long long is a great song. am i going to get in trouble cause i like dj dangermouse's sampling of it?

that's interesting but i feel like the author was still in character when he wrote the article.

i like that they let her be funny as well. she's a great character.

take my wife. please.

i clicked on the link. the guy's name is jim bob!

in don't know who the duggars are either. it's probably cause i don't read the hater that often. in both cases, i'm probably better for it.

let down…
i thought the picture at the beginning of the article was robin williams. it was the only reason i read the article… :(

he was a boxer.

never mind i'm retarded.