Sorry all *feud* not fued
Sorry all *feud* not fued
Fued and Foreshadowing
Okay, so now they've resurrected the Givens/Bennett fued and I can't help but speculate on the target of Mags retribution. As much as it breaks my heart to suggest it, I think Aunt Helen should be looking over her shoulder and checking under her car. She would certainly be a good dramatic…
Ha! Very clever Dr. Hibbert.
Boyd's hair has become an important character trait. Love it.
I have a bad feeling about Aunt Helen. I think all her warnings to Raylan, and his ignoring them, may lead to a reckoning down the road involving her. I'm not basing this on any facts, just a hunch (and perhaps seeing a foreshadowing that isn't really there).
Good point about the daddy issues. Thinking along those lines, I have to wonder if part of Raylan's doubt/guilt also involves his daddy, wondering if going against the law suggests that there is more of his criminal daddy "in him" than he may want to consider.
Raylan's ass-kicking
reminded me of last season's "Hatless". I can't help but think that Raylan was looking to get his ass kicked as punishment for letting Art down and breaking the law with Winona. Also, when Loretta showed up, all the fight went right out of him. I suppose he didn't want her to see him fighting,…