DEFLATERMOUSE the sock puppet

Apparently Pepe le Pew stepped out from behind a moraine…

Or failing to call them her Megs

To get the true spirit of the piece's title, "Kiss my Ass" would be the better idomatic translation. 

I thought they killed Snape like a punk. It wasn't a Boba Fett killing, but it was pretty close.


You know, ZMF, there are many caffeine-free coffees that are just as tasty as the real thing…

What about Highlands' Shepherd 2: Beneath the Tartan Tent?

They created a rift in the space-time continuum until one of them was destroyed by a ragtag group of zombies and smurfs. True story.

THAT was Joel Grey? Holy shit, I never knew that. I haven't seen this movie in 15 years, but I would like to think I was a little bit more obsevant as a teen. Alas…

The Dutchman would always split the bill and "forget" to add tax and tip. He would also leave the bar before it was his turn to pay for a round. That was how he rolled.

as long as she didn't speak while doing it…

I suggest Elebits and Rayman Raging Rabbids (the second is a bit twisted for kids, but you should get a kick out of it.)

No. No it is not.

"Lucifer fucks everything up"