ab gary condita

It's true, Lincoln had a secretary named Council Bluffs.

I'm not really sure anymore quite how different Walter and Walternate are. The last 25 years, Walter has been the one who Did Something Wrong - by crossing over and kidnapping Peter, he caused his wife to commit suicide, presumably devastated his alternate-universe self, and he had at least some idea that this wasn't

I think we're getting to that in two weeks. Or something. Show's pretty busy right now (although not as busy as before tonight).

The movie's being shown at some sort of "you're better!" party for Archer, thrown in honor of his beating cancer


…you mean V?

Ah, that is clever.

I'm not sure how comfortable I am
with the Fringe universes being based on the novel of some ersatz Bulwer-Lytton, but we'll see, I guess.

Avocado, cucumber, and cheese!

And don't forget, the Loma Prieta earthquake was when the Observers (well, that one, August) intervened in and messed up the blue universe's timeline.

I don't think it was supposed to be an everyday velocipede, since we saw regular bikes elsewhere (in Brooklyn), so, yeah, Prisoner ref.