Big Yellow Joint

I disagree on the Walt speech. So far, this show has been hinting at Walt's cancer returning since Hermanos and that speech almost confirmed it. Under that subtext and Walt Jr.'s response, it was truly amazing.

I really gotta applaud this season of Breaking Bad. Not only has it taken the focus off its main character, but it has sacrificed the episodic nature of last season. Each episode has felt like it has built on the last organically. Can't wait for next week.

I agree. This season has been slightly more cohesive, consistent, and satisfying as a whole than last season. While no episode has quite reached the levels of Full Measure or One Minute (Hermanos and Bug come pretty close IMO), I still haven't watched anything that I disliked as much as Walt's post-No Mas plotline.

Tyrus seems like Victor but he hasn't really lost his cool the way Victor did. He's kept his cool despite Walt losing his shit several times in front of him.

Meh, I never liked the way they closed off Ted, especially after recently rewatching the episode Ted "leaves." It felt like a nice way to not only bring back an unresolved plotline but it also shows that Skyler isn't suddenly going to be an expert at laundering money. And, I think it provides another great moral

I understand. I just feel as though this site has always been generous (albeit TOO generous) in handing out A's to this show. While grades are essentially something finite in the world of criticism, which should not and is not, I would at least appreciate some consistency or an explanation (which Donna has already

Thank you. I know you haven't always been the one to grade this show, but I guess it just rubs me the wrong way when an episode like "I.F.T." gets an A, while this episode gets a B+. Hell, there's a lot of episodes that got A- grades that I would never put ahead of this or "Hermanos." Then again, most of those were

What I mean is that the past two seasons consistently got A's and A-'s for their grades. If we are judging this season on a different scale, I feel as though we need some sort of adjustment for the past seasons or some acknowledgement by Donna that this season is being graded on a different scale. Otherwise, it comes

Also, usually the response to: "What show is better than Breaking Bad?" Is followed by: "The Wire." I gotta say, maybe Vince Gilligan was surfing the web and saw this, because the structure to this season feels very Wire-esque - with each episode building bit-by-bit on the last. Mind you, the cast is much smaller and

Yea, this deserved at least an A. I didn't mind your B+ grades before, but now it's getting silly. This show has gotten A's like they've been going out of style and I can't seriously believe you think this season is that much worse than Seasons 2 and 3.

It's going to be hard for C.K. to top this season next year. Damn.

Great episode. Felt like Louie's "war epic." Stray thoughts:

I think what's making Walt act irrationally is that he is in full-on Heisenberg mode. Look at his attire - throughout this season he's been in BLACK (Heisenberg) and not his usual green. Thus, he's more of a wildcard, acting on his impulses and so on.

Maybe it's just me, but I thought this season started out with a pretty big win by Walter. He saved his and Jesse's lives by killing Gale AND inadvertently got one of Gus's main muscle killed.

Totally agree. That, the cold open, and the four corners scene made for some great visual storytelling.

Add me to the group that actually really like Citizen Kane.

Patiently awaiting
the "Liked It, But Wouldn't Recommend It" article…

For someone whose been in New York during Halloween….
… it wasn't a total surprise to see Louie and his kids get accosted like that. The streets are in a drunken, full-on riot on Halloween night. I would actually say Louie's depiction of Halloween night was a bit restrained, to be honest.

Inception's a good flick so long as you remember it's an action movie. I think that's what some of the harsher critics forget - it's a summer blockbuster, not some surreal psychoanalytic art film.