goofy ball

From what has been said on the forums, multiple invitations went out, and the Twitter guy is the only one who showed. It was too short notice or incompatible with their schedule (not that that's malicious, it's just how time works) for some on the forums and at least one other didn't feel up to going at it.

And I know Matt reads Podmass comments sometimes. And I know he doesn't give a shit if I like his opinions, and he probably thinks I'm an idiot. But I do want to make clear that I'm still a fan of his and the show and I'm grateful for the entertainment he gives me for free every week and all that. I4H is a great

I recently began listening to Improv 4 Humans, and have been going through back eps, too, and it's fun. It's kind of charming that Besser doesn't give a shit about how his listeners disagree with him about stuff, but starting the episode off that way this week left a bad taste in my mouth. For me, as someone who

Mr. Show, yo.

I absolutely agree that I'd love to see Johnston in more things, but he was an integral part of what made The Sarah Silverman Program so great.

No, I was talking about the term "Pop Culture." Not demeaning the topic itself.

The way the A.V. Club uses the word "Pop Culture" is getting increasingly strange.

There's a brief insert of Hollyoaks at 1:11. The credited year is 2010.

I really wish this looked funny.

I'm gonna need to hear his intonation and context before I determine that he meant that with any kind of sincerity.


I find it upsetting to see the words "Windows 95" and "app" in the same sentence.

"Your last name's Garrelli?"

Does Adam Scott Aukerman know about this yet?

Every time a Youtube video creator cuts, it's because they're trimming out the parts where they are shitting themselves.

If you download the album from the website in MP3 format (available from a link at the end of the article), the MP3s are titled.

Hear, hear! I'd be glad to see the AVC sit down with Harmon and/or Roiland and do a post mortem walkthrough on the whole first season, like Harmon's old Community features. If they go on for six pages per episode, all the better.

90s kids ate my balls.

Weirdly, I was just talking a few days ago to my girlfriend that before Garfield Minus Garfield there was this, and how I always preferred it for the same reasons you just listed, like, verbatim.

Might be worth pointing out that as this uses English language resources, predominately non-English speaking countries' results might be skewed by their local alien populations.
That is to say, I'd imagine a whole lot of those Japanese searches are from Americans teaching in Japan.
(Though surely preference for the