kevin is...

i think it's suppose to show that he's a pedophile

doesn't anyone know how to speak hip? hipsters were cool when jazz was cool, in the 50's, where everyone was trying to put down and put on each other, ya dig.

You're forgetting
Jon Glaser (Delocated) as the bookstore employee. The bit wasn't too funny, but the man can only do so much. And no, the porn actress wasn't Lisa Ann; it's Savanna Samson. Also, did anyone notice there were two Irish jabs tonight? Irish chins on Community, and now Ireland the gayest country. Some one

Paul's Boutique
hands down. it is THE funnest record to listen to while driving

agreed. i thought last week's was the weakest thus far, but troy's "credible alien hand movements" line in tonight's episode is easily the most bizarrely funny line.

bucket drum. hands down.

What about that sex doll that looked eerily similar to Gary Sinise? Now that was entertainment!

how could you not
report on the jeff goldblum is dead hoax? the best part of it is the new zealand film commission was unaware he was "currently filming anything in the country." i think thats much worse than a 60ft drop to your death.

The one memory
that sticks out in my mind, certainly the most vivid but definitely no favorite, is of Michael Jackson touching me with his penis.

Not If You Were the Last Junkie on Earth
I remember seeing that video only once and thinking what a catchy song it was. Then the next one to get my eye's interest was "Song 2" by Blur. I bought that CD in my youth and was very disappointed, only to realize how awesome it was years later. And of course I have to

How could you not
ask him about Man of the House?

you forgot nathan barley

A serious question
Do you think there are more left-handed masterbators than right-handed ones? I ask because I'm right handed, but when it comes to the five finger shuffle I'm a lefty, leaving my right hand free to cruise through internet porn.