Jeff Kapaa

Asian underrepresentation in the media makes any black hand-wringing look absurd.

I'm not sure what was odder - his demeanor or Jack Osbourn's contrived British accent…man is he annoying.

there's a scene in "Fort Apache the Bronx" where this hooker is giving her trick a warm and sexy embrace…and then the camera moves POV to behind the guy and you see her head cradled on his shoulder and her mouth starts moving weird. She quickly produces a razor blade that was somehow squirreled away in her mouth and

The weakness of this show becomes so obvious when a guy like Winter is introduced and suddenly you have Dwayne Wade weaving through a boys & girls club pick-up game. Not a strong show.

That "Ishtar" movie really sucks, too.

He seemed more "Juiceman" & less "Stewmaker"…stew implies chunks.

you are exactly right. the child/son "chun" flub had bungled execution and that ruined the critical launch point for the gag…he even had to explain it, which only confirmed its weakness.

I wonder if Sam's blood type would allow him to be a memory donor for Harry Dean Stanton?

now that you mention it…remember the episode where the Bounder battery was drained. Jesse, in desperation pressed Walt to use his science prowess to find a solution - "can't you make a robot or something?" even when Walt hatched the plan to make a jerry-rigged battery and asked Jesse to gather galvanized bolts and

Looking back it's amazing to consider the contributions of one of the key "uncredited" stars of Breaking Bad - the cell phone. I was thinking about it during the flashback of Walt's first deflective call back home during a break in the first desert cook - how many critical bits of business involved the phone. Just in

wow - Eddie Deezen. I just had a Menlo Schwartzer flashback.

Agreed that the distressed look helps matters, but still - with the exception of Aaron (who looks a bit less doughy, now that super-sizing is relegated to history books) - this future is sure populated with a shitload of pretty people. When the lights went out, did all the homely people vanish too? Hand it to Walking

It is interesting to ponder a scenario where Mitch and Cam, fretting over their adopted African American son's first pee-wee basketball game, watch him knife effortlessly to the hoop and quip, "forgot to factor in the black". Love to see how that goes over.

I thought it seemed high…but it is a short jaunt from the coast, so that might bump things up. No beachcombing near Youngstown.

I'm surprised by the 67,000 number. Drove through Aberdeen on the way to the coast 2 weeks ago and it is depressed - like one of those Ohio/Penn towns that sank when the steel mills closed down. All the lumber operations have wound-down…really sad place.

Sorry about the clueless spelling, but, to your point - Samberg is obviously the flag-bearer for this series and while Parks and Rec production pedigree may have been an initial attractant, it will sink or swim because of Andy. No grudge…in fact I referenced the fact that the guy is an SNL Hall of Famer. He can be