Salomon Gomez

Since this episode brought up the subject of airbending children, I think it's a good time to talk about REPRODUCTION.

In Aang's "defense", He was already in his 30s when Tenzin was born - mid- to late-thirties by the time Tenzin would have shown any disposition to airbending. Since we know that he and Katara were together since the end of the first series, and given the cultural norms of our world at a similar level of technological

When Finn ran over to help Gunther, you can hear Ice King saying "I— I meant after you save me." So. It wasn't his primary concern.

I think it was in "I Remember You", because those sound like some hot lyrics that the Ice King would be dropping. While working on his pecs.

I think it was in "I Remember You", because those sound like some hot lyrics that the Ice King would be dropping. While working on his pecs.

I mosey on over from the TV Club to take a look at a movie review (as I am wont to do from time to time) and saw that this film was an F! So I excitedly looked to the community review … but saw that it was a C-.

I mosey on over from the TV Club to take a look at a movie review (as I am wont to do from time to time) and saw that this film was an F! So I excitedly looked to the community review … but saw that it was a C-.

I think my favorite part of the ENTIRE episode was Dipper, at the end, saying that revenge is underrated - it felt awesome. I loved that its positioning at the end of the episode functioned as something of a "reverse Aesop".

I think my favorite part of the ENTIRE episode was Dipper, at the end, saying that revenge is underrated - it felt awesome. I loved that its positioning at the end of the episode functioned as something of a "reverse Aesop".

Regular coverage! Seriously, you could just do entire reviews on how high-quality the animation is.

Regular coverage! Seriously, you could just do entire reviews on how high-quality the animation is.

I'm pretty sure that the United Republic of Nations is its own country, with Republic City being the capital of the nation (as per the first episode's introduction scene). The United Forces, then, are probably the URN's own personal military force - and the war in Republic City is probably seen as a domestic issue

I'm pretty sure that the United Republic of Nations is its own country, with Republic City being the capital of the nation (as per the first episode's introduction scene). The United Forces, then, are probably the URN's own personal military force - and the war in Republic City is probably seen as a domestic issue

Long time reader, first time commenter. I know, that's a really cliche way to begin a post. I just wanted to say that this season had its ups and downs, its huge highlights and its relatively bad let-downs. But I never stopped reading these reviews, and I'm so happy that a group of us love this show as much as it

Long time reader, first time commenter. I know, that's a really cliche way to begin a post. I just wanted to say that this season had its ups and downs, its huge highlights and its relatively bad let-downs. But I never stopped reading these reviews, and I'm so happy that a group of us love this show as much as it