Salomon Gomez

If you were a waterbender, would you want to help out with a agitprop piece that cast an earthbender as the quintessential Water Tribe hero?

Well, it's not just that. I don't know if you or @InterplanetJanet:disqus ever did theater in high school or at a higher level, but when you're playing a character who's in love with another, you're supposed to actually feel that love. You can turn it off later, sure, if you're good, but there's a reason a lot of

On the other hand, as Mako's sidekick would he ever have felt betrayed? Every time Mako did something "bad" to Bolin there were absolutely no consequences because they're brothers and they know, from their childhoods, that they have to be on each other's sides.

Adults even understand that there's probably not much they can do to really help in any of those situations. You're right.

Wait, right!? Even upon rewatching it I was mad not into it. And yet even then, the second my friends said "wait, that wasn't as good as I remembered it," I started on with,

To be fair, I don't think anything Mako said couldn't be attributed to a friend who has this really ridiculous, optimistic, idealistic view of justice and doing the "right" thing (probably because of his childhood as a street rat). He broke up with Korra! At least this time he wasn't kissing on the side. Still, that

Yeah, I don't think amnesia is any worse than Aang unlocking every single one of his intensely blocked chakras in about a day. Sometimes Avatar does things really, really quickly. As far as I can tell, the fandom doesn't really care how stupid the precipitating change is as long as the end result of that change is a

"Sounds good to me, boss!"

Yeah, I get the amnesia storylines being horribly cliched part. I'm only willing to give it a shot because we saw around a minute of it. Next episode is more than likely going to have Korra say just about every single cliched line of dialogue in the amnesia-storyline book (she's already got a running start from this

You're right! What right does a man have to step in and pretend that he can dictate what reaction is appropriate in whatever context and oh god, hold on one second, I think I gotta reboot my brain.

Remember that time a threat to Korra's earthly attachment (current object of infatuation) made her super angry so she punched at someone and in doing so, airbended?

Last night I remember thinking "Wow, it's so exciting that Bolin has a plot that's not just him being the love interest for some other character, even if it doesn't really matter to the overall story arc!"

Are you mad because "amnesia" is about as common a word in animated TV shows as "the", because you don't think an amnesia story line could have any good potential outcomes, because you don't think any such story line will be executed will, or all of the above?

What I Liked:Varrick's a villain (which was the prediction I was most excited for, even if it was pretty obvious to a lot of us)! I like where things seem to be going with Unalaq. Yay for two villains! Yay for opposing villains. This episode focused on all the characters we constantly say keep getting short-shifted;

I actually think this is a really good point! Honestly, I generally like some of the callbacks, but it does the show a disservice.

One of the biggest problems with Korra as far as I can tell right now is that they went so far in the opposite direction from what A:TLA did. I sort of like what @avclub-e773dbc579a0ef997675d836974d747c:disqus  said up above. In part because I agree with them - I watched A:TLA from the moment it premiered but I was

I noticed you said later on that "if they're going to teach Korra about her behavior, it should be along with the people she unleashes it on, such as the president and Mako and I hope this vein continues"
, and I just wanted to say I agree. I know I already tried clearing some of what I said up, but after having a

@avclub-bc011d00bcc91da3b8b3cb43ca0bcd73:disqus , if I'm still defending Korra in S3 or 4, I pray that you'll slap me in my face until I wake the hell up. I'm still tentatively hopeful for this show only because I still think it's getting its footing. But if my predictions for the end of this season turn out to be

Besides, Iroh never planned on "making war" with the Northern Water Tribe. Well, I mean, he did, but he was going to justify it in much the way that modern militaries "justify" getting involved in conflicts that don't really affect them. Iroh had a justification for getting involved in the conflict that he knew he

It could and has happened to other people before, you're right. I still think, though, that as it was presented to us in the story it happened because of how Korra acted. If she hadn't taken a speedboat and run away from everyone she knew and cared about in Republic City to petition the Fire Nation for assistance,