Stop me before I kill again

Poor old Alison Hannigan.. From willow to 2 1/2 friends, or whatever it's called…

The movie was ok, but that stupid death scene by Paul Rubens… Undermines the whole comedic/dramatic impact.

Poor Toby. A nice man, an odd man, but boy, that Michael hated him, didnt he?

'American woman' was written by randy Bachman. Meaning it sucked anyway.

Master chef and the biggest loser have brought in past stars to instruct? Can you guys get it right?

I'm enjoying it but it gets by on the strong performances and god script. The direction is weak. Tenant is great, and the sidekick is great. Rory from dr who has ths terribly overwrought script, but he oes a great job with it.

Posts top gain before me a kill

Posts top gain before me kill

I miss Phipps, I must say. Not that the site has declined, or anything (guy/gal who replaced phipps, you're doing a fine job: keep it up). But that authorial voice he had - jaded, tired - you knew he was pressing against deadlines, painful staff issues, adminstrative crap. And even though all that was in his writing,

Oh, god. why do these overpaid nobodies think tthey can translate their rahter uesless skill of going faster than everyone into the media?

Oh, god. why do these overpaid nobodies think tthey can translate their rahter uesless skill of going faster than everyone into the media?

Look, here's my favourite bit… cost a fortune, and the studio guys hated it, but this comment stream really sums up the whole feature. and, you know, it was just… anyway… the cast was great, adn the crew were just …

grindhouse is best forgotten. It proved Tarantino as a genius - only a genius could have a cool concept and that cast and make a travesty of a debacle of it. but it is still best forgotten.

I don't know Peter Gunn is quite forgotten - if nothing else for the brilliant theme (played, I believe, by Duane Eddy, written by Henry Mancini)

I think I've seen that second show. Something about a dirty pool, and the woman who owns it, and the man who cleans it…

How hte fuck did I miss this!!!
Keith: godspeed, old friend. You'll be missed.

How hte fuck did I miss this!!!
Keith: godspeed, old friend. You'll be missed.

Charlton Heston always seemed decentt and honest to me. I didn't agree with his later stance, but he wore it with dignity. May Michael Moore rot in hell for what he did. (And I say tthis as a leftist)

It'll be bigger than… erm… err… Sy - what's something it can be bigger than? Well getHarvey to come up with somehing… whaddaya mean Harvey's not in? Christ, I pay for this incompetence… Look, just… whiteboard it and I want a solution on my desk tonight… well cancel it - you'll have other anniversaries… I know, but,

This isn't actually the costume for django unchained. Just don't tell Quentin you're here.