"I loved you before I ever really knew what love felt like" just crushes me every single time in "Hair Match."
"I loved you before I ever really knew what love felt like" just crushes me every single time in "Hair Match."
Its not gonna end up at number one for me (still ranking my list) but Most Lamentable Tragedy is such an "album of the year" level record. Its just so grand, and swings for so much. I don't think it works every time, but goddamn is it an achievement (and one of the most re-playable albums of the year for me.)
I wouldn't say he's unknown in the US, just ignored in the indie taste-making blogosphere. Last time I saw Porcupine Tree (which, granted, was when Fear of a Blank Planet came out so a good while back) they played a one or two thousand person club and it was pretty packed. He's definitely got a strong following in the…
Knife Man was also my introduction to them when it came out, and "Micheal Jordan of Drunk Driving" had me hooked immediately too. They've been one of my favorite bands every since.
I dunno if anybody is gonna see this so far down, but here's some of my favorites of the year. Still getting caught up on stuff and ranking (and I'm forgetting a bunch of shit without being able to scroll through my iTunes right now,) but the first two are pretty much tied for album of the year.
I'm not too surprised that Alex G didn't make it, I don't see him making many of the year end lists from the big websites like Pitchfork and Stereogum. Which is definitely a shame, because he's a genius and Beach Music is up there with his best. Maybe its easier for me to process because I live in Philly so I'm…
It also gave us Scott Aukerman's run of quoting it all the time on Comedy Bang Bang, for which I'm happy to have endured a scores douche bags shouting it.
Serious question time. I love The Man in the High Castle (the book.) Its probably my favorite Phillip K. Dick novel. I was really excited when I heard Amazon was making the show, but I didn't hear anything good about the pilot. Is the show worth watching? I don't want to read through the reviews and get spoiled (even…
You tell your nephew that he's a cool ass little dude! Wedge Antilles rules.
As much as I disliked the prequel defending articles this week, I completely agree with this. The last thing the internet needs is more discussion of how awful the prequels are (but make no mistake, they are truly awful.) Plincket has pretty much taken that form to its natural apex.
I seriously can't tell if you're a gimmick account or not. Dude's not trying to take your molly away bro.
God Revenge of the Sith just awful. Why on earth anyone would defend, let alone say that its better than Jedi like Murray did, is just nuts to me. So much awful shit in that movie.
Hey man, that's legitimately awesome that you make a living off of music. Whats your band/recording project/whatever you do called?
I mentioned this upthread, but I can never get over how bonkers it is that Jodorowsky sued Besson for using his ideas after Besson hired him to consult on 5th Element. What a glorious nutjob.
I still can't get over how insane it is that Jodorowsky tried to sue Luc Besson for using his ideas after Besson hired him to consult on his movie. I can't remember if Moebius filed suit as well, but that's just hilarious hubris that could only come from Jodorowsky.
I loved that game as a kid. The joystick controls were awesome and the whole thing felt so immersive.
The original Rogue Squadron (and the sequels as well) have really fantastic level design all around. Its amazing how well those games hold up whenever I return to them.
Exactly! The ending of the movie had its problems (taking itself to seriously being chief among them) but what it was such a fun movie overall! I went in with the expectations that it would be a campy, over the top movie, well made movie, and it delivered on those expectations perfectly.
I just got back from seeing Spectre, and I couldn't believe they did the same thing as Into Darkness. All the fans already saw the reveal coming from a mile away, so none of us cared in either instance, and anybody who's not familiar with the characters' background doesn't give a shit when "generic villain" says he…
Has anybody on here seen Diggers, the movie Ken Marino wrote? Its a really good understated movie. Paul Rudd's great in it, and its nothing like what Marino and the other State alums normally do (not that I don't love their comedic output.) I'd recommend it is what I'm trying to say!