
Why are you writing these Marah?
1. You didn't even analyze the show, you just attacked the episode for about 7 paragraphs (and did it poorly I might add).
2. Usually the insight in the comments ends up being better than your reviews.

Who ya Gonna Call
I always appreciate a ghostbusters reference

Hardy Rawls turned into the Maytag guy
Hardy Rawls turned into the Maytag guy

This is the first recap I've seen but am reading through the archives of Pete and Pete that are up already.

Noise is probably my favorite season 5 episode
Freebasing White Noise.

Im gon do a bunch a cocaine and die like a fucking tool.

He probably doesn't care
1. He's probably just doing this all for the promotion
2. I'm not gonna lie the whole reason I started listening to hiphop was MC Hammer when I saw the Too Legit video when I was 6.
Thanks Hammer.

Yeah it was, douche.

Jesus christ. SUBTLETY DENIED.

I'll take Dead Flowers
Over any song in the Rolling Stones library.

I think he was talking about the bar, not the dungeon.

Apparently they forgot
Shaq-Fu. That game came with a cd single of Shad…Rapping.

Any time Dave runs
Its amazing!

Jewish chicks are hot.

He might be the worst thing to happen to anything
He should run for President of Haiti

Juanito is shutting anons the fuck down. Replie denied.

He's not dead yet?

I'm Not sure
If I can get to this

Someone should have punched Affleck for this stupid doc on that Phoenix dickhead.

This show was damn good
I used to get home after school crack open a Cream Soda and eat some cheezeits and watch this show.