
B Means D on The AB Club Scale

Thug A.N.G.E.L.S. =
Isn't that bad. Fucking Rabin. Listen to more than Jay-Z, Wayne and Native tongues.

Why did I keep watching?
I stopped about 2.5 seasons in, heard it was getting better, then when they said they were gonna set a definite end I said well fuck it I want to see where this all goes. IT WENT NOWHERE.

Yeah you're right. Lost isn't a story. It's Life, and since it's life, the writing doesn't need to not suck. Good explanation.

Youre the kind of person that makes KFC so much moneyon double downs aren't you?

Then why the fuck did they make the numbers repeat so fucking much, why all the mythology. Why have the mythology when it means FUCKING NOTHING. It's piss poor writing is what it is.

So I assume if an episode was just a really well produced 41 minutes of clowns kicking each other in the junk on Hawaii you would be happy? Just random anything happening…for no reason whatsoever?

Wow, just wasted six seasons watching terrible TV
Has there ever been a dichtomomy between such good production and such terrible writing.

This was solid
Co-starring Lost's Daniel Dae Kim as the guy who bought a house in Hawaii and needed an excuse to stay there.

Now this is a Black Keys and Hiphop junky saying this, but Blakroc is their 2nd worst album so if you liked that get the old shit too. Its some of their best stuff.

Man I don't know how to feel, by the AV Clubs standards its an A, but its not the Black Keys best album and certainly not mindblowing and this is someone who's seen em twice and been digging em for seemingly forever now, but its not that epic great.

I like the Black keys and All but until they put out an album that has 2 songs as good as the Lengths and 10Am Automatic, Rubber Factory reigns as champion.

Did any comic book writers
Actually work on this show, or was it another Hollywood Ivy League circle jerk?

Producers of Happy Town sad.

What the Fuck.

Was Seinfeld the show about nothing or was it lost. I really think Lost has been how much of a clusterfuck of a show they could make and still get people to watch. Its been 99% bullshit for years, just throw in some descartes, or maybe some black and white, christ mythology why not. Bam! We got an episode.

Happy Town headed for Cancled Town?
Jesus christ that's bad.

Love when they remake terrible films
And I like semi average 80s flicks. Fuck, I love Three Amigos, but Fright Night sucked hard.

Is it just me?
Or are there a lot of really flaky people in the film biz. I was volunteering for a film festival a few years back and one of the main guys just flaked out and drove off for like 3 days in the midst of the busiest time all year, what a dick.