
I saw the Femmes live once, they're albums somehow don't do justice to how good they are.

Go fuck yourself NBC
ER is the best show ever, and it was totally on NBC and what you're going to buy the whole length of the show on DVD because of how great it was!


So I uhhh totally didnt mind Terrence Howard's album
I mean, it was mostly boring but it had at least a couple good songs, also, for some reason I thought he'd be a better War Machine. Whatever.

So they cancled and then greenlit Chuck?
NBC…Brilliantly failing since Seinfeld went off the air.

I wasnt paying attention to the whole show
Why were they called Schmittys?

So you all realize
That last weeks beeping could have just been over a soundtrack that was a constant line of the word fuck right? Thats one way matt and trey could have gotten Comedy Central to bleep it out without doing it on their own but still making their point.

The IDW comics were TERRIBLE. They were some of the worst stories ever. Worse than almost every episode of RGB.

Do it
Even if it sucks, if it had Murray, Ramis, Hudson and Aykroyd I'd be happy. Fuck, get reitman's son, get the original effects people. I'd watch it.

So Ellie must be cripplingly insane right?
Who else has a borderline breakdown when they don't see their brother for more than 10 minutes. I'm starting to think she might be the ultimate version and murder sarah and then wear her skin while having sex with her brother because he left for multiple days…in a row.

Being that a B is the worst grade you give out
I'm gonna assume it is a trainwreck.


Libby looke Aweful.
Christ. Although she's kind've always looked aweful. Seriously, did she get another DWI immediately before filming.

It took us nine years but we got revenge for 911
Suck it Muslims. Fuck, we'll bring the inevitable Live Action Shrek to you're bombed out deserts if we have to.

I want to see a picture of that armored duck

Clue did have 3 separate endings depending on the way things turned out, hint hint

Are you fucking kidding me
If this was an MGMT interivew there'd be fucking 800 commnets. Stupid fucking whiteass honky hipsters.

Is that Ted?

MF Doom
MF Doom has Cam'ron and Jay-Z.

Glad Chuck is Back but
The whole first episode was basically a
"Wait we're not canceled? Here's a big retcon to get us going in another direction thanks to NBC's lack of commitment"
Which is half their fault and half NBCs.
Still its a good relaxing show. And I like Zachary Levi.
How many Episodes are in this season?