
One of THE worst movies I have ever seen
So blindingly intolerable. Fuck.

This is enough to make this a must watch
"Called Panic is the kind of movie in which you will see a horse in a Santa Claus suit, riding on a manta ray in order to dupe a race of wall-stealing fish people. Adjust expectations accordingly"

Actually Yikers, I don't need him to be likeable, I just don't like watching him be completely ridiculously incompetent. Its gotten to the point where he doesnt understand the simplest human behavior. He would be either committed or homeless if he acted this ridiculous all the time.

I get why you liked the part where he realized he was kind of an asshole, but he acts like hes 10 years old the majority of all the episodes and for me it goes beyond funny to just plain stupid. I mean, I was about to make a joke about having an episode where he can't drive his car, but I realized, he already did

Hey Chap, sorry your life sucks so much, that an complete strangers opinion of a television show makes you feel hostile because apparently its a reflection of your own complete inadequacy.

I'm starting to think
The writers are all having a contest to see how much of a dumb, evil dickish and unlikeable character they can make Michael. He's like Homer except more evil.

People don't seem to appreciate artistic design in film
It seems to be all about bullshit realism which never pays off for me.

One of the best episodes
In fucking years.

There's no possible justification for Shadow not being on this list
It's better than Ico.
God of War is better than Ninja Gaiden, plus it was an original title so bonus points for not just another remake.

Spoon and Reggae
Brit Daniel and Peter Tosh

I just don't think they really stand out any further than King Khan and BBQ, Reigning Sound, The Black Keys or many other recent garage rock/blues groups, especially not #1 on a list.

I get that they needed to pick up the baby, its just that the show has clearly shown its able to do 3 separate plots with separate characters/families at once and there is no need for them to do this big reunion at the end of every fucking episode.

The Plot may have been familiar
But the execution was not. It's usually the guy that is the fuck up. So I was pleased they decided not to go this route.

White Blood Cells is a great album
For anyone that's never heard
Howlin Wolf
John Lee Hooker
The Sonics
Iggy Pop and the Stooges
Buddy Guy
Or any other blues or garage rock record before the year 2000

Dear Geneivieiveiivieiveie
You come off as a complete bitch.

Look, I just assumed no one would get to the fifth page of comments, so no point making an elaborate reasoned argument, just like Geneiveieiveere didnt make an very well reasoned article, only its her job, and I don't suck when I'm getting paid, consequently, that's exactly what she gets paid for.

I'll break the stalemate. That movie sucked.

No Fearmongering Technology Movie
Will ever be stupider then Existenz

I heard this was awesome so maybe I got my hopes up but I was dissapointed. However compared to alot of current horror films and because its actually centered on Halloween it was a novel idea, it just didn't end up extraordinary.

Did that Come From Space
Where the fuck has Cam been all my TV watching life. Fuck.