
What happened to Pam's first mom?

Ever get sick on the weekend dickwad?

Ever since my dad taped it way back on TNT and I would pull it out when I was home its been my go to sick movie. Now I watch it on dvd, but I miss the old school commercials. I may have to rip it.

So what's the deal
With Phil and Gloria?
It was funny at first, now it's getting almost creepy…but I like it anyways.

I think you mean loved Wyld Stallions. They fell off after their 3rd album. Then Ted died of a heroin addiction and Bill got married and formed that supergroup with Huey Lewis and half of the News.

Stacy if by wacky you mean had his brother killed…then yes. WACKY!

This Cautiously Optimistic crap NEEDS TO STOP
You're torturing my soul.
From the firey depths of hell your phrase consumes my brain with darkness and absence of wit.

Actually I just realized the crazier she gets the hotter she gets.

Pete's wife keeps getting hotter
That is all.

This is the best show of thursday nights. Without a doubt. If they cancel it, fuck. I will be dissapointed.

Yeah, he's been almost bizarrely more tolerable on Community then he usually is. He reminds me of Jim Carrey though, always WAY WAY over the top.

Check the most recent IMDB photo. She looks fucking terrible.

Watched this flick for a bullshit english credit class called Monsters, Robots and Cyborgs…I assume he was a cyborg, or a robot, I don't know, that class kind of sucked.

That Jay Leno intro
Was really gross.

Ron Fucking Swanson
Brilliant, why isn't he in more of the episodes? Also, Amber is both awesome and hot. This show seems to be getting better and better. Is Chris Pratt out of the series or is he possibly a regular?

Spelling errors on the internet!

The s site currently looks aweful.
Scroll bars
Shitty Coffee Shop Circa 1998 color scheme
and about 18 different columns make it absolutely sucktacular to navigate

How is being Duke Silver Something to hide?
Fucking Awesome.

Things in Life
Hit me way more than California Dreamin'

Why does the AV Club review music
If everything is a B or A- then what in the hell is the god damn point?