
At Any Moment
I feel like these characters could be on the verge of doing literally anything be it murder, rape or enjoying the music of Kenny G

It Felt Choppy?
You missed close to what 10 minutes of the show and it felt choppy?
I'm thoroughly surprised!

I like how April
Manages to be both weird and completely deadpan at the same time. I think its probably harder to pull off then she makes it look.

I'm getting tired of Homer Michael.

Issue #1 of Comment Police starring Kinthis and dangertime
Top Chef had just aired. The comments boards were fresh with the denizens of Top Chef fans. Kinthis looked up and down casually smoking his cigarette. Something was amiss, a comment wasn't 100 percent relevant to the most recent episode. It would required

Offerman and the girl who plays April are both pretty good. I can't tell if April is supposed to be dumb or just weird.

She's the straight woman. Every character can't be wacky as shit. Pam routinely isn't all that funny, its usually just everyone else playing off her.

Is Chris Pratt a series regular now?

Hey D-Bag AkA Kinthis AkA Human Douche.
If you're gonna be an asshole at least have the courage to register.

Hey Dangertime I watched the episode late and no on comments after the first page so it doesn't pay to post comments no one will read. The comments boards aren't set up very well since new comments are always further away then the first comments. Try not to be such a smug jackass.

WTF Top Chef
First, will they ever record new music cues. They've been using the same 25 second clips forever, christ, spend a couple dollars of the Glad Brand of Products money.

And I remain Cautiously Optimistic you'll stop
Using that god awful sign off.

Everyone Needs to
Listen to Pledge Allegiance to the Grind
and Pledge Allegiance to the Grind 2


Notice my allusion to Childbirth weight above. And no she wasn't pregnant. She was probably post pregnancy fat.

That Whole Episode was Better Than Indiana Jones 4
Also, Colbie looks fatter and Hannigans boobs are noticably bigger, and does Jason Segal have childbirth weight as well for some reason?

GHB. Hooray for Dyslexia!

Did Rabin actually watch the whole episode. Did you hear Stanley's description of how the affair started. He didn't say he was banging 80 broads on the side. He said his wife was gone alot. Not to mention the woman he's seeing is also married and presumably older. He's not picking up girls using HGB at fucking


Ken Jeong is brutally Unfunny
And the worst part is, the you can tell he thinks he's Asian 80's Eddie Murphy. Ugh.